What Are The Different Types Of Brain Injuries?

 Whether it is an injury in the brain or any other part of the body that occurred from the carelessness or influence of someone else, then you must immediately seek the help of an injury lawyer. Since brain injuries, if are even slightly serious can affect the part of the brain to function inappropriately causing disability, and can even prove to be fatal sometimes. Therefore, the expert traumatic brain injury lawyer in Philadelphia at The Brain Injury Legal Team will make sure the case is fought with maximum chances of having you fully compensated for your terrible loss. The only exception is the loss of evidence or memory which may become less easy for the brain injury lawyer to convince the jury if the event has truly occurred because of somebody else’s fault. Brain injuries can be of various forms including:

• Cerebral contusion: this injury involves the swelling of the brain caused from internal bleeding.

• Coup-contrecoup Injury: this bruising is the aftermath of a blow on the head in which the side that has been hit develops coup injury and the counterpart is said to have sustained a contrecoup injury.

• Concussion: A concussion usually happens to players of contact sports and occurs due to a blow in the head.

• Hypoxia: lack of oxygen to the brain causes the brain cells to die and sends them into a state of hypoxia

• Diffuse axonal injury: This occurs when the lesions in the brain cause a person to go into a coma

• Intraventricular hemorrhage: this occurs to premature infants in which the brain’s ventricular system experiences bleeding.

• Subdural hematoma: as the name suggests, in this the tearing of the vein/s in the brain cause blood to accumulate in the form of a clot over the surface of the brain.

• These are some of the many traumatic brain injuries that tend to exist.

• The best a person can do is seek the immediate help of a brain injury lawyer in Philadelphia before evidence could be wiped out or memory could fade.

• So without delaying a single second even, contact The Brain Injury Legal Team today.


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